KiCAD Libraries: KORG Nutube 6p1 Symbol, Footprint, and 3D File

KiCAD Libraries: KORG Nutube 6p1 Symbol

KiCAD Libraries: KORG Nutube 6p1 Footprint

KiCAD Libraries: KORG Nutube 6p1 3D file

Nutube, like an ordinary vacuum tube, has an anode grid filament structure, and works precisely as a triode vacuum tube. Likewise like a vacuum tube, it makes similar characteristic rich overtones. By applying their vacuum fluorescent presentation innovation, Noritake Itron Corp., a Noritake Co. Ltd partnered organization, have formulated a design which accomplishes significant power saving, scaling down, and quality upgrades when contrasted and a customary vacuum tube.

Download KiCAD Libraries for KORG Nutube 6p1 below:

KORG Nutube 6p1 Symbol, Footprint, and 3D File (VRML)

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