Gingerbread: A collection of Python tools for creating decorative PCBs with KiCAD
Gingerbread is a set of Python utilities that Winterbloom uses to create decorative printed circuit boards (PCBs), such as the ones we used for the front panels:
Gingerbread is made up of three utilities:
- convert: aids in the conversion of Affinity Designer designs to KiCAD PCB files.
- fancytext: creates beautiful text labels for KiCAD PCBs.
- trace: is a Python library and command line tool that re-implements KiCAD's "Image Converter" program (bitmap2component).
NOTE: This tool is completely tailored to Winterbloom's requirements. It's not perfect, it's not universal, and it's unlikely to work the way you expect it to. As a result, it comes with no warranty and no guarantee of support—once again, we will not provide any free support for this.
That being said, you are welcome to try it out, learn from it, take code from it, give us feedback, and even contribute if you wish. Please contact us if you want to pay us to add a feature or support a specific use case.
There are several similar projects that may be more appropriate for your use case.
See more about Gingerbread from the link below:
Gingerbread: A set of Python tools to create decorative PCBs with KiCAD